Everywhere we turn we are told we are not enough.

Whether it is what we are told about our bodies being too big or too small.

Or that we don’t spend enough time with our children.

Or the time we do spend is not quality time because we are spread too thin.

Or we don’t get enough time with a spouse, friend or loved one.

Or you aren’t working fast enough.

Or you work too much and you are not taking care of you.

The list can go on and on in how the world likes to tell us we aren’t enough.

But all these ideas or thoughts are looking at the glass half empty.

What if you just shifted each of them a bit?

My body is exactly what it is.

I get just the right amount of time with my kids.

This moment with my kid is just for them.

I am going to cherish this moment with my loved one.

I am working at my speed.

I will take care of me, and my work will flourish.

Imagine all the time you save letting go of the worries, the banter in your head, the voices trying to knock you on your ass and tell you that you are not enough.

Stop listening to the naysayers, the commercials, the ads that tell you otherwise.

You are exactly where you need to be and you are enough.


I am a disruptor.

