How often have you made yourself smaller to fit what the world wanted from you?

You made yourself smaller in a work meeting because it was easier than being told you were too aggressive.

You made yourself smaller with your family because you were sick of being overlooked.

You made yourself smaller in school, because otherwise you were made fun of for trying too hard or being too smart. 

You fill in the blank: I made myself smaller...

At what point did making yourself smaller become the default? 

Who were you before the world chimed in? 

Who do you want to be regardless of what the world thinks? 

You hold the keys. You are the CEO of your life, and you get to decide how BIG, BOLD, and BADASS you want to be. 

If this resonates with you and you think -- I have no @#$#$@#$! idea who I was or want to be, reach out to me. Together we can intentionally quiet the noise of the world around you and start to fill the spaces that are ready and waiting for you.


Take off the mask


Ask for what you want