I help you see YOU.

Maybe you have all the things you wanted in life (job, family, house, car, etc) but you are still not really happy.

You cannot figure out why you are not satisfied and you are not sure what to change.

You go back and forth between thinking you should be grateful for what you have and knowing there is more out there for you. 

Your mind feels like an iPhone with all the apps open. Your phone battery dies quickly, and you are in constant need of a recharge. You are doing too much, and what you are doing is not really making you happy. 

You either shutdown or lash out at others because you are not sure how to deal with the emotions swirling inside you. 


  1. You aren’t satisfied and feel stuck

  2. You are doing too much, but not accomplishing the stuff you want to do

  3. Your energy is going to everyone else and you feel disconnected from “you” 

  4. You want to feel more grounded and be more in control of your emotions 


You think your worth is wrapped up in all of that (your job, family, wherever you are needed). Psst… It’s not. 


It doesn’t have to be that way. 

It is all bullshit your brain wants you to believe to keep you safe and comfortable. 

What you are thinking about is causing you the most pain, not what is happening in your life. 

We get to change all that. 




Together we will

  1. Get clear on what you really want and what is most important to you

  2. Rewrite your story with a clear path forward to where you want to go

  3. Get clear on what is holding you back and remove those barriers

  4. Decide how you want to show up in your life

    I work with women who want to expand their potential, find meaning and purpose in their life, and have a cheerleader along the way. It starts with being willing to look at all our shit. Our beliefs, where we hide, and why. All the good and the bad. It all matters. You are the CEO of your life. Where do you want to start? 

You can enjoy the life you have right now.


You can create the life you have always wanted. I can show you how. 

“In 20 minutes you showed me the potential of what could happen in 6 weeks.” — Nicole

“You have helped me change the way I think about work, life, difficult people and most importantly myself. Teaching me that I am the only one in control of my own thoughts was the biggest unlock for me.” — Mary
