Alone with self to see what is there

How often do you block “seeing” yourself?

We fill our days with doing: work, Netflix, parenting, cleaning our home, food, errands, but how often do we walk away from it all and have the quiet space to “see” ourselves and what we most need?

Walking away might look like finding a quiet coffee shop away from your family, or a quiet sanctuary in your home to just be able to be with your thoughts, or blend into nature to listen to the quiet voice inside telling you what you need to know.

Are you ever allowing yourself to be “alone?”

Alone with your thoughts. Alone with your pain. Alone with the anxiety, fear, and questions about life.

Or are you filling all space with “doing all the things” that you are blocking yourself from “listening and being?”

When we are quiet with our minds we give space to truly “seeing” ourselves. We learn more of we want and what we need.

What can you do this week to stop and give yourself permission and space to be and listen?


Learning to live with less intensity


Inspired by my 6-year-old