Brush your teeth naked
Have you ever gotten ready for work (back when we used to actually get dressed for work — not just from the waist up) and just before you left the house you ran to brush your teeth, only to drool toothpaste down your shirt?
It happens.
So why don’t we just brush our teeth naked?
Do I have your attention?
Think about what in life we do where we mentally figure out how everything is going to happen in our mind — and then what happens? It might be larger than that glob of toothpaste that ruins our plans.
If there is one idea we have learned from 2020, it is that we don’t have control over much in our lives. Things happen. Accidents happen. Life happens.
We often don’t know how things will happen (except for those of you that are telepathic).
But — we can always start with being clear on what we want (but not hung up on the how). When we know what we want, it makes it easier to make decisions, create boundaries, and live intentionally towards those goals regardless of all the things we cannot control.
It might not all happen on the timetable we set (it could happen faster or slower), but our goals are the compass that guide us.
So what do you want in your life?
Start this week with the reminder that it is always easier if you brush your teeth naked.