Worry is dwelling on what may happen
How much of your day is spent worrying about the future?
Will I get sick?
Will I put my child in harms way?
Have I made the right decision?
Did I do a good job?
Worry is dwelling on the future about something that may happen — BUT HASN’T!?!
Think about all the time in your day you spend spinning in your thoughts of something you think may happen, and all the outcomes that will occur IF it happens.
In the simplest terms, they are all just thoughts in our mind.
What if we stopped the spin cycle and let things happen as they are going to happen?
Of course it is fine to be prepared.
We can have the spare in our car for if we get a flat tire, but we don’t have to worry about getting one. Most of us have, and we fix it and move on.
We can worry about how our kids will acclimate to a new school, grade, or life transition. Or we can prepare them and know that whatever is thrown their way they will figure it out and we can support them through it.
We can worry about how others perceive us, or we can show up authentically as ourselves and know we aren’t going to make everyone happy.
Just as this year has taught so many of us — there is so much that we cannot control.
But… what you can control are the thoughts we choose to think. So start simply with the thoughts that worry you, and decide to think new thoughts. What will yours be?