How do you feel most loved?

I have been thinking a lot about love this week. I listened to a Tara Brach podcast on my drive to the dentist where she shared a story about a woman with a brain injury that fell to the ground where people would rush to get her back on her feet before she was ready. The woman said, “I think people are so comfortable and rush to help me because they are so uncomfortable with seeing an adult lying on the floor, but what I really need is for someone to get down on the ground with me.”

I could not get that story out of my mind.

How many times are we the ones that go to help lift another person up, but we would never be willing to lie down with them?

When have you been that person where you might have not have known it at the time, but all you really wanted was someone to come and lay down next to you?

What does that look like for you? Having someone give such attention and acceptance that they meet you right where you are — even if it’s on the floor?

I’m loving the thought of having compassion for where we all are and so much love for when we want that connection right where we are.

How are you getting down on the ground with others and how are you letting others do the same for you?


No apologies needed


Dare to be curious