I have been on the hunt for good kids books about feelings, and emotions — because I want my son to learn what I never knew at his age.

As he learns to read, write, do math and all the other important and critical life skills, I want him to expand his emotional intelligence.

I found a book called: “Let It Go: Emotions are Energy in Motion” by Craig Phillips. I cannot attest to the book yet, as it has not arrived, but the excerpt about it and the title itself speaks volumes:

“The Latin derivative for the word emotion, ‘emotere,' literally means energy in motion.”

Have you ever thought about that for yourself?

There is energy flowing through our body all the time. When we feel sad, angry, happy or silly, that energy surges through us.

And sometimes that energy gets stuck and is no longer in motion — maybe that’s what is labeled “being emotional.”

And yet, so often we shame ourselves for having the emotions we have.

We feel bad that we are sad.

We feel bad that we got angry.

What if instead of adding another layer of energy/emotions we just let it flow, move, and be what it i?

When we need to cry, just cry. No apologies needed.

Sometimes we need to yell because we think we are not being heard — so just yell.

Whatever it is, let the energy move through you, and out and then move on.

Are you with me?


What we make it mean


Connection right where we are