
We choose our definition of it. 

No one else does. 

Our choice might be to decide to follow all the people around us and define success as working our way up the ladder, making all the money, acquiring all the things -- but it doesn't have to be that way.

What if success meant so much more? 

Waking up and being excited for your day. Not worrying about money. Being truly present for your family. Living in the now. Taking care of your mind and body. 

What if the most humane definition of success is to actually take care of yourself and be human? 

Live. Play. Enjoy.

My definition used to mean going 150% all the damn time. And then I got really sick. 

I've HAD to reinvent my view and it has transformed my life.

Yes, I am saying this from a place of privilege and yet, growing up we were poor, on food stamps and I always wondered what utility was going to be turned off next.

My definition of success arose from not wanting to live that way EVER again. 

And it is finally time to revise my definition to one that speaks to where I am in life. 

Now I look at how I am treating others. How is my nervous system? How am I processing my emotions? What am I letting bug the crap out of me? 

What is your definition of success? Did you decide for yourself or are you living what you think the world wants for you? 

What makes you feel fulfilled? Happy? Motivated? What makes you feel like you've achieved what you wanted? 

Key Takeaways: 

1. Revisit your definition of success. If you find it isn't really yours, take the time to make it your own.

2. Remind yourself how it feels in your body when you are living someone else's definition of success rather than one you have intentionally created.

A clear definition of what success means to you will be a compass leading you to make better decisions and create the life you truly want. Need help? Reach out and we can chat more -- a life coach is the perfect individual to guide you towards cultivating a better life. 


Make lemonade out of lemons


Before the world chimed in