You matter.

Your voice matters.

During these times, we must take care of ourselves and take care of each other.

Now more than ever.

We are all extremely anxious and activated right now.

Covid cases are spiking around the country.

We are sad for the things that we lost, the things we did not get to do, and the things that we will never get back. 

We are overwhelmed. School at home for many, not wanting to get laid off, way too much is happening, and we are trying to do it all. .

We feel disconnected. We are social beings, and our social life is a fraction of what it used to be.

We feel powerless in the state of our country and the future.

Feel the feels. 

All of them.

Let them happen.

You have permission. 

I hold you each in a giant, virtual, socially-distanced, stranger-to-stranger hug. You are loved. You are needed.

What are you going to do to take care of YOU today?


Acceptance + appreciation


Keep moving forward