What story are you telling yourself?
Have you ever thought about your past as just a story you tell yourself? Your story might be one of pain and hardship, or it could be a story of triumph and resilience.
It is all about how you choose to think about your past.
Do you revisit what was done to you, or what happened and think, “poor me.” Do you think, “if only this had not happened.” Or do you think you learned from each experience, each failure, each setback? Whatever story you decide to tell yourself will direct you to how you feel and the mood you are in. The story you decide to tell yourself will lead you to be stagnant or will lead you to grow and move in directions you never thought possible.
I know from experience. I lost my parents when I was 16 and 20. We grew up poor. I have been sexually abused. The list goes on. All are stories that can paint a picture of victimhood, pain, and lack. But I have chosen a different story to tell. One of triumph, resilience, and abundance.
Each day I get to wake up and decide which story I want to live that day. One of victim or one of abundance. I choose abundance. What story are you going to choose for yourself today?