I lived a large chunk of my life going 100 mph while giving 150%, doing it all, with little play. What the F was I thinking? 

A lot of us do that, or have done that. 

We've been wired to do our best. 

We've been wired that success means can't stop, won't stop. 

Yet -- what is the collateral damage? 

Our health, the quality time we get to spend with those we are closest to, and ultimately our quality of life. 

Especially this time of year when we have holiday parties, shopping, family gatherings, we often think we have to do it all. 

But -- what if we don't? 

What if we don't have to make that family member happy? What if we don't have to make our house perfect? 

I have had a lot of "I-have-to's" in my life, and you know what -- the have-to's never really made me happy the way I thought they would. Instead it filled my time with doing what would make others successful, happy, and fulfilled. 

When we stop going 100 mph while giving 150% and focus on being more present in our lives we begin to focus on what we really want, create boundaries for making that happen, and hopefully find a bit more harmony.  

Take a moment and think about how much you are doing each day and whether you truly want to be doing it, or if the world keeps telling you that you HAVE to do it.


Ask yourself: 

  1. Am I truly doing what I love right now? 

  2. Do I have to do this thing right now, and what is the worst that can happen if I don't do it? 

  3. What do I WANT to be doing right now? 

If you think, "I'm not sure what I really want" then we need to have a chat. I'm here to help you figure out what you want and then manifest that in your life. DM me or schedule time so we can get started. 




Three things to improve your life