2023 has been a year of "unlearning" for me.
It was ingrained in me (whether by my upbringing or the world around me) that I had to work really hard, that no one would take care of me along the way, and I had to figure it out all on my own.
No one was wrong, it just was what kept me safe for a time.
Have you ever thought about how we spend most of our life learning and absorbing, and yet there is a time when we have to decide to start "unlearning?"
Much of the time we take on the ideals of those around us, our parents, the companies we work at, the families we are from or join -- and yet those ideals do not always resonate with what we truly want and so we have to "unlearn" those ideas.
It can be really easy or really hard -- it is what we make of it.
We might want to unlearn the stories our parents told us about how if we worked hard, we would not be in poverty (which may or may not have been accurate).
It may have been that you were taught to be a people pleaser, and you now see you want to "unlearn" that part of you.
I've learned over time to let my family take care of me when I need it -- and there is nothing wrong with being taken care of. I'm still me.
As we move through different phases in life, we have to let go of what we once knew in order to let in the new.
What do you want/need to unlearn?
How can you be more kind to yourself?
What does life look like after "unlearning"?