The "I CAN" can
Have you ever thought about the beliefs you have about yourself and others right now?
Are these ones you absorbed in your childhood?
Were they thoughts of how amazing you could be in the world and all you could become?
Or were they thoughts that you would always be set back by the fact you were a woman, or poor, or for some other reason?
Were you raised with thoughts about money, and how you could not get far in life because you did not have money?
I did.
Yet, the beliefs that surrounded me about money kicked my ass into proving everyone wrong.
I knew there was more to life.
I knew I wanted more than I had growing up.
My dad had a large Campbell’s soup can that he put bottle cap eyes on, and wrote “I CAN” on it. I thought it was so weird.
But…I think of it often.
He wanted us to say that we could do things, and he hated hearing “I CAN’T.”
I feel him in my blood when I hear my son say “I can’t” and I hear my dad while I tell my son he gets to choose how he wants to think about what he can and can’t do.
I want him to know anything is possible.
What beliefs do you have that no longer serve you?
Do you believe anything is possible, or do you tell yourself you can’t?