Increasing your curiosity is a key to happier days

I beg you to try it.

I have had so many times in my life where I think “I should be grateful for this moment.” Or “I have so much, and I should lead with gratitude.”

But — sometimes that is just too damn hard. Sometimes it just doesn’t feel genuine.

It feels inauthentic to think “I should be grateful” when we aren’t feeling or wanting to feel grateful.

What we can do is be more CURIOUS!

Yes, I often think of my five year old son. He constantly asks, “Why, momma?” He truly wants to know and understand why. Then he processes and might have more questions for me.

We have lost that childlike curiosity that asks why all the time.

I have actually been trying this over the past couple of weeks. I have been taking a more open stance to my life, and asking why to most everything.

“Why does this project have to be run this way?”
”Why do I think my son has to act a certain way?”
”How am I letting things happen for me, instead of to me?”

So many questions we can ask, but rather than just taking what we are given, how can we stop being closed minded or stuck, and start living with curiosity and fascination for the world we are in today.

It has meant I listen more when my son has questions. I focus more on how I answer and acknowledge him. I look at projects differently — and how I can be in continuous improvement.

More curiosity + more attention/listening = happier days.

If you are struggling with being curious, sign up for a time slot to chat with me. We can look at what is holding you back, or making it hard for you to be more curious.


What did you learn about YOU today?


Where you put your attention you put your energy