Where you put your attention you put your energy
It is so simple, and yet somehow we often forget.
What we focus our attention on is where the energy of our mind and body go.
If we decide something makes us angry, our brains search for anything we can find that gives us evidence of how we have been wronged.
We build the case for all those things and, as a result, we build our personal energy warehouse and fill it with anger.
Take a moment and think of the last time you were really angry.
Were you thinking like a lawyer — with all the reasons, moments and details that give you the right to feel angry?
You probably built a solid case for why you thought you were right.
The energy of your thoughts and body was fully dedicated to finding reasons for why this happened, why that person is wrong, or why you may or may not have deserved it.
What would have happened if you did not build the case?
What if the thing just happened, you held it for a second and you let it go?
What if instead of building the case for why you were wronged, you took a different route?
What if you focused on what you can learn from it.
“I’m pissed this happened, but I’m not going to let it consume me. I can let it play out and see if it is all a big mistake. I do not know what was really intended, I’m reading into the situation.”
Would it save you so much more energy that you can focus in other places by not letting the negative emotion consume you?
Often that emotion we are feeling and those thoughts we are thinking are made up. We make strong assumptions and we often do not have all the data.
So what if we waited until we had all the data and then decided how we want to think and feel based on the facts.
Would it make life easier? I think so.
If you are frustrated and having trouble waiting for the facts, I’m here to help. Sign up for a free consult call and I can teach you some tips and tricks to pause and wait for the facts.