Start fresh with a daily restart
I am one of those people that absolutely hates to restart my computer.
I have a zillion tabs open and restarting means I have to re-login to so many programs and tools.
It’s so annoying.
Annoying as it may be, it’s actually a way for your computer to reset its brain.
It needs a break. A refresh. A moment to stop processing.
What if like restarting our computer we did the same to our brains, but on a daily basis?
Every morning is a chance to restart our system. Clear out the slowness, the processing, the overheating.
We get to decide which programs to open, and how much energy we want to pull from our brains.
We get to decide what to focus on and where we direct our energy.
It is as easy as restarting our computer, but we restart with our mind, and we always have the opportunity to do that.
If you are struggling with “restarting” reach out -- I’d love to chat with you about how to restart your brain, decide what you want to keep open and where you want to focus your energy.