How to give yourself space
The answer is easy.
You take it.
Say no.
Put yourself out there.
Ask for help.
Be bold.
In order to give yourself space, you have to take up space.
On Monday of this week Brene Brown announced that she is taking a sabbatical this summer. She mentions a quote that I wrote about last August attributed to Victor Frankl.
“Between stimulus and response there is space.”
After the last 2 years of navigating our way through the pandemic, political events, balancing work + family life at home, many of us are now returning to the office and navigating hybrid work models.
Navigating it all is not easy. I hear comments of exhaustion, isolation, overstimulation.
It is a LOT.
What I also hear from my clients is that they crave space.
So give yourself the permission right now to take up space for you and allow yourself to pause, breathe, and be quiet.
So you can think, feel, and be in a better place.
Thank you, Brene, for being an inspiration for us to pause and give ourselves space.