Stop checking all the damn boxes

I spent the first half of my life achieving.

Run the race, get the promotion, check all the damn boxes.


Who told us that the key to happiness was striving to work so damn hard, get the white picket fence, pay all the bills and have these swoon-worthy bodies?

Some of it is worthy.

For example, I work hard to take care of my health because my parents died when I was young and I want to be around for my son — so I am an advocate for eating real food and moving my body.

I think some of us got stuck on the treadmill of life to check ALL the boxes, and forgot what it was like to enjoy life along the way.

How often do you stop and really breathe?

How often do you check in with your body and your mind and quietly see what is happening? Or have you over-scheduled your day and instead of seeing and hearing you — you’ve forgotten entirely how to do that?

My son recently was asking me about “daydreaming.” I thought to myself, how often do we really do that?

Maybe we should start infusing our days with a bit more dreaming.

If you were no longer worried about checking the boxes, what would you do with your life? What do you dream about doing?

If it is hard to even imagine then you are working too hard and need to slow the F down. Every day we should create a bit of time and space to imagine and dream. If you don’t even know where to start, I’m here for you. Sign up for a free call where we can discuss what is blocking you from putting you first.


How to give yourself space


What we make it mean