This week I have had a lot of conversations about people feeling isolated.

We are all busy right now.

Some are focused on the holidays, scrambling to get things done early this year amidst COVID delays.

Some are trying to jam as much work as possible into the few weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

When we are busy and have our heads down we tend to have less time to check in on others.

I myself have had feelings of isolation this week.

And yet, nothing can make us truly feel isolated.

Only the thoughts that we choose to think will make us feel that way.

From: I feel disconnected from the team. To: I am going to reach out and see how others are doing.

From: I am stuck in my house and going crazy. To: I wonder who else I can connect with that feels a bit COVID cray-cray.

It is all in how you approach what you are thinking about ā€” from poor me, to what about others?

Take a moment and see how you are feeling.

You are not alone.

So many are feeling and thinking similar things.

What do you want to feel?

If you want to chat more about how you are feeling, Iā€™m here to help you be more resilient in this crazy year. Sign up for a free consult call and we can talk further.


I get to...


A day to watch.