I will always remember that line in Good Will Hunting where Robin Williams says over and over again to Matt Damon, “It’s not your fault.”

It always made me cry. Most likely from my own childhood situation of poverty, divorce, abuse, and abandonment. It felt like Robin was talking directly to me.

Most of the time the circumstances we are in are not our fault. We cannot control what our parents did (or did not do) or what has happened in the world — politics, the pandemic, crazy weather, health issues, etc.

We don’t have control over most of it. Most of it is not our fault.

So if we can agree on that — then what IS our fault?

How we handle and react to what is happening around us.

What is our fault IS what we do have control over.

You have control over how you show up and how you treat people.

You always get to decide.

What are you making it all mean about you?

That you are good, worthy, and you matter, or that you are the victim and do not matter.

When you come from a place of always having a choice, does that feel different?

I’m here to help you look at what IS your fault, to be intentional about it in your life. I can teach you how to always be in the drivers seat for your life. Sign up for a free consult call to learn more.


What if you knew it was all going to be okay?


It's ok to not be ok!