I have had a few conversations this week where someone has apologized for telling me they are in a shitty place.

My first response is: you do you.

If you are tired, cranky, fried, frustrated — be that.

I hate the culture of toxic positivity that we often see, where we have to hide how we feel, put on a brave face, and pretend everything is all right.

If it is not all right, I want to know.

Recently when I’ve shared my struggles with having COVID long haulers, I’ve wondered if people really understand what it is like. It is exhausting to have to opt out of life a couple days at a time because my body is like, “No, no, no! To bed you go!”

And yet — that is my current reality. Navigating working, motherhood, marriage, and the rest of this chaos happening in the world, when my brain and body are not always going at the same rate I am used to living.

We are not really living who we are if we aren’t just real about our reality.

I have so much more respect for those being vulnerable and authentic with me AND I think it allows for deeper connections.

It’s okay to not be okay.

You do you.

I see you.


Notice what happens when you do not rush


Are you really awake?