Life is a giant puzzle

What if our entire life was a giant puzzle?

Full of middle and exterior pieces.

The exterior pieces give a bit of structure to our lives.

When we start with the exterior pieces we start to see form and frames, like the framing of a house.

Then we get to begin to find the color and texture of the rest of the puzzle and see where we are led.

Rather than thinking of our life as painful, confusing, frustrating or fill in the blank ___________.

We can think of it as a giant puzzle and we just have to find the right pieces that fit.

Some puzzles have more pieces and take longer, and others are quick to fall into place.

If you look at life as if it were a puzzle, it means that you will figure it out piece by piece.

I am here to help you look at the puzzle you want and to start to put the pieces together to make the life you want. Sign up for a free consult call so we can look at what you want and start to put the pieces together.


Bringing the drama

