Waiting for Covid-19 to be over. Will it ever be?

Waiting to not have to wear a mask. Will that be years from now?

Waiting to see what happens in the election. Can’t be over soon enough.

Waiting to see if you are going to lose your job.




While everything is different than it was before March 2020, there is no reason to wait.

You do not have any control on the pandemic, masks, the elections (although you CAN VOTE), and whether you are going to lose your job.

What you can do is decide today about the things you can control. All the things that you are waiting on, put them aside, do not let them consume every moment of your day. Look at the things in your life you can do.

Then do the things you can do. Focus on what you CAN control. Carpe Diem.


Life is a giant puzzle


What you can control