This word keeps coming to me EVERYWHERE I look. I always take that as a sign that the universe is trying to tell me something.


When you think of receiving, what comes up for you?

I have thought about it in the past few weeks and what resonates most with me is open arms to what is being given. Think with me for a moment:

  • How many times does someone give you a compliment and you redirect the conversation because you do not know how to receive?

  • How often does receiving feedback (constructive or critical) make you uncomfortable?

  • Have you ever thought about the person giving to you — that it might be something uncomfortable for them too?

  • How do you react when someone gives you a gift or gives you their precious time?

Often we feel uncomfortable, don’t know how to respond, or shut ourselves down and the result is that we turn a potential opportunity away.

What if the act of receiving with open arms is always a gift?

It might mean we learn more about ourselves, we are given an opportunity of a lifetime, and we have a moment of connection with someone because we truly acknowledged what they have given us (words, an object, their time).

It can be as easy and simple as a genuine “thank you.”

It might not start out to be comfortable for you, but each time you honor what they give to you it means you are allowing space for you and the giver to be acknowledged. It just takes practice.

What are some ways you can “receive” this week? I’d love to hear from you!


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