We miss the “recovery” part in life.

We go, go, go. And we often do not stop to breathe.

It has been a reoccurring theme in my life. Do it all, don’t stop, don’t pass go (lots of Monopoly happening in our house).

When we exercise, do we give ourselves “recovery” days? I’m the worst at giving myself recovery days.

Until I got Covid.

It took a crazy illness that wrecked havoc on my body before I began to truly take days off from exercise. My body literally crashes if I do not take a day off between exercise days. I’m sure it won’t be forever and eventually I will get back to a more normal routine, but my body is yelling and I have no choice but to listen.

Where in your life are you pushing too hard, doing too much, and not allowing your mind or body to recover?

Are you trying to be super mom, an overachieving employee, or striving for the best-wife award?

Take a moment and think about where that gets you?

Do you feel better about yourself by doing it all? Or are you allowing time to do what is necessary AND taking the time to rest your body and mind to rebuild muscle and allow time to decide what thoughts you want to think. Your physical and mental muscles need space!

This is just as much of a reminder for me — and I wanted to share with you.

You get to decide to slow down, and give yourself the self-care and mental space to recover from all that is happening in your life and the world. On the days you do have to be super human, you might just find you are better at all the things in your life.


You always have choices


Our Performative Nature