You always have choices
Are you too comfortable?
Before the pandemic, I believe we were all a bit too comfortable.
We had our routines and often those might have meant you left your garage > went to your work garage > back to your home garage… rinse and repeat 5 days a week.
Then we were stuck at home (some of us much longer than others).
We had to adjust.
We didn’t have a choice.
It took time.
Some of us are still adjusting.
What is amazing about these most random 18 months, is it has brought to light what matters MOST to us.
Our work? Our family? Our finances? Space? Self care?
Our priorities have changed.
And maybe we are now comfortable in other ways. The old routine doesn’t fit anymore, and many do not want to go back to it.
I talk to people every day that are mulling their choices and questioning what they want. Knowing what matters most is part of it, but deciding to put that first is not always easy.
As you contemplate your next move, ask yourself:
“Is this too easy?”
”Am I comfortable?”
”Am I settling?”
The answers to these questions might lead you towards a different outcome, but first we have to get really clear on what we want.
What do you WANT? You may not think you have choices, but you always do.
If you feel stuck and want to chat further, schedule a chat with me.