I have to be brutally honest with you.

I’ve been in a fog for the past few months.

Getting Covid-19 in January has not only messed up my body, it has impacted my mind.

For those of you in the coaching world, go ahead and tell me it is my thoughts. And, you would be right.

But there is also the reality of how much long term fatigue is a result of contracting the virus. I’m still not over it all, but I am starting to see the sunlight.

I have always been someone that has gone 150%, and post Covid-19 I just can’t do it anymore. My stamina has not yet returned.

There have been times where I felt like I was losing my mind.

Not being able to run physically, or as often as I used to run.

Not being able to make it through the day and always wondering if I do make it, will it mean I have gone too hard and the next day I’m in bed not able to do a single thing?

It makes you feel mental.

So… I have had to learn to let things happen.

And… I have had to take a note from my parenting tactics. I talk to my son about “reframing” when he is in the middle of a tantrum. Often our kids forget why they even started the tantrum, but a reframe requires us to quiet our bodies and our minds and pause, and look again at why we lost control of ourselves.

This past week, a light bulb went off inside, a turning point for me. In focusing so much on my body, I did not have as much energy to focus on my mind.

As a pottery junkie, and for those of you that geek out on “The Great Pottery Throwdown,” we often know right away when we are off-center, yet sometimes it is harder than we think to get the clay centered again. We either get it back under control or we scrap that version and start with new clay. The great part is clay can constantly be reclaimed, it just needs time, and lots of kneading to get it ready to center again.

I feel closer to my center again.

If you are feeling mentally off, need some help re-centering, or deciding whether starting new is best, reach out and we can chat further. I have some free consult slots available and am passionate about helping you stay centered on what matters most to you.


Harness the power of your voice


Allow the emotion to happen