You know how you might see someone and they just glow? 

You think, "What are they doing that makes them glow? I want a little of that."

You have it. 

Sometimes it's just hidden.

We are all finding our way, and really it is a journey into the unknown. For some, that unknown might feel really dark right now. 

For others, there may be glimmers of light. 

And probably for the smallest number of people, they see light (and reflect it via that glow) all the time. 

That is ultimately the evolution of our life, to keep seeing light, seeing it in others, seeing it in ourselves, and letting that glow bathe us. 

We start by being willing to look inside ourselves and be curious about all that is hidden. We have to be willing to:

  • Make the unconscious, conscious.

  • Make the unwanted, wanted.

Collectively seeing our light and fire is what brings healing to the world. Do you know of someone that wants to keep finding their light? Maybe it is you.

I'm here to help you find your light and keep it lit even during the chaos of our lives.  I have a few coaching slots open, schedule time to learn more.


Pause and be still


It's been a while