It's your decision to start
Where most of us get stuck in life is in the “how.”
“I don’t know how I am going to make this happen.”
”I don’t know how to have that conversation.”
”I don’t know how to build a business.”
So when we don’t know how, we don’t start.
It all starts with deciding to start.
Make the decision of what you want to do.
Your courage and confidence will grow, once you get rid of the “have to know how.”
Think about it in terms of running a marathon. If you have never run a marathon, you actually don’t know how to run 26.2 miles. You may know how to run a mile, or 5, or 10, but as you train and build up your miles, you will eventually learn how. You may fail the first time, get hurt, want to quit, but eventually you will learn how to run a marathon. The second time you do it you will know more than you did the first time.
Your courage and confidence will grow as you get closer to the 26.2 miles, or because you had the hard conversation, spoke up, or took the first steps towards starting your business.
We make a choice, take a step, move, pivot and do one thing — and then another.
It all starts with deciding to start.
If you are stuck with taking that first step, or don’t even know what the first step is, I’m hear to talk through where you are stuck. Sign up for a chat with me. That may be your decision to start.