How many of you can relate to feeling like you have to do it all? Or everything has to be perfect — and when it isn’t, the shame descends on you as though you’ve done something wrong?

How did we get so hung up on being perfect humans all the damn time? At some point in each of our lives we were told we needed to grow up and be an adult — and, for some of us, it happened way too early.

We were told we needed to be successful, perfect, helpful and take care of it all (cue most girls as they pivot to womanhood).

I love this quote from a book I am reading: I Didn’t Do The Thing Today by Madeleine Dore

“When we pursue perfection in our days and in ourselves, we’re creating an impossible standard. We’ve taken what’s incomplete as proof there is something wrong with us, when in fact being imperfect is an inevitable part of being human. We blame ourselves for not being exactly where we think we should be. We berate ourselves for inactivity. We shrink in our self-comparison to others. We doubt our decisions. We become so stifled by the pressure of being productive that we sometimes don’t do anything at all.” page 5

There is nothing wrong with us — we need to chill the f*ck out.

We need to stop blaming and shaming ourselves for this Barbie doll view of our bodies, our success and our lives.

What would it look like if today (right now) we stopped blaming ourselves for who we THINK we should be and start LOVING who we are right now. Completely imperfect. Beautiful. Lovable.

No more comparing to others. No more feeling like we have to do it all and take care of everyone.

Are you in?

We all need help along the way and if you don’t know where to start, sign up for a 20 minute call so I can show you ways right now that will help you stop the blame and shame and start loving you for who you already are.


Dare to be curious


Finding out who we really are