What if this was all a bad dream?
A colleague told me today that her son mentioned to her on the phone: “Mom, 2020 feels like it is just a bad dream.”
That is one way of looking at all that we are going through.
Emotions are high, full, and big right now.
I know they have been for me.
No one is immune from feeling highs and lows.
What if we just thought about it all as a bad dream?
We wake up, roll out of bed, and decide to forget the dream.
It could be that easy.
All that is holding us back is the memory of the bad dream.
The thoughts we choose to think about our day, the news, how we feel.
Do you want to remember the bad dream, or do you want to start a new day with a new outlook?
I am here to get you unstuck from the bad dream. Sign up for a free consult call, and we can talk about the highs and lows and decide what you want to choose.